Large constrictor PRE-OWNERSHIP ASSESSMENT FORM "*" indicates required fields Pet centre name*Assessor's name*Business email* Prospective owner*Prospective owner email* DetailsDetails of the snake & enclosureSpecies being considered*Species country of origin*Recommended temperature range*Recommended humidity range*Current length (cm)*Species average adult length (cm)*Time until adult length (approx)*Current enclosure size (LxDxH in cm)*When will a larger enclosure be needed?*Advice GivenSee supporting information and tick as completed OPEN SUPPORTING INFORMATION IN A NEW TAB Advice given – section 1* 1.1) Enclosure sizes 1.2) How this relates to the family home 1.3) Space availability long term 1.4) Custom enclosure construction 1.5) Ex-situ management 1.6) Power supply 1.7) Emergency power-outage plans 1.8) Security of enclosures 1.9) Safely entering the enclosure 1.10) Water 1.11) Enrichment and climbing 1.12) Substrates Advice given – sections 2-5* 2.0) Energy consumption 2.1) Heating 2.2) Lighting 2.3) Insulation 3.0) Financial implications 4.0) Health and safety 4.1) Entering the vivarium 4.2) Distancing tools 4.3) Young people 4.4) Traditional family pets 4.5) Handling 4.6) Assistance 5.0) Common health issues 5.1) Specialist veterinary practices 5.2) Pet insurance options 5.3) Microchipping Other considerations Decision of AssessorDecision reached after reviewing all considerationsDecision of Assessor* Approved for ownership without reservations Approved for ownership with moderate reservations Further research required prior to ownership Rejected as infrastructure needs will not be met Assessor signature*Prospective owner signature*This pre-ownership assessment has been developed to safeguard all parties. Prospective owners have demonstrated a willingness to engage with a business to show their commitment to the long term provision of a new companion animal (including energy consumption, financial and spatial responsibilities). Companion animal selling businesses by taking the prospective owner through this assessment process can demonstrate due diligence and the safeguarding of large constrictors held as stock. In the event of future issues a business will be able to state safeguarding took place and the new owner was made fully aware of their future responsibilities to the long term care of the large constrictor. Most importantly the long-term safeguarding of the large constrictor itself has been tested as thoroughly as possible. I give permission for REPTA to retain a copy of this assessment to enable analysis of large constrictor sales through LA/A regulated businesses in the UK. I understand no information sent to REPTA will be used for marketing or advertising purposes. Any data published will be anonymised.Consent* I agree to the above CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.