
REPTA is pleased to announce a new corporate sponsor in Hagen (Rolf C Hagen Group). The Montreal based giant of herpetoculture understands the need for the UK to be able to have a seat on working groups and councils to be able to mount a defence against the oppression of the radical animal rights organisations. […]


REPTA is pleased to announce a new corporate sponsor in Zoomed. The California based giant of herpetoculture understands the need for the UK to be able to have a seat on working groups and councils to be able to mount a defence against the oppression of the radical animal rights organisations. REPTA is grateful to


The large constrictor pre-ownership assessment and accompanying guidance has now been completed and has been emailed to all REPTA members. This may appear in your junk folder and should be opened and studied. If members have any questions regarding the assessment and its completion please do not hesitate to contact the REPTA Trade Delegate, Charles


In recent times, the reptile and exotic pet community in the UK has found itself at the forefront of a crucial battle—one that could significantly impact the freedom of choice for enthusiasts and responsible keepers. The looming threat comes in the form of a proposed positive list, a regulatory measure that could potentially dictate which


As you are aware, REPTA plays a pivotal role in advocating for the interests of the reptile and exotic pet trade. A substantial part of our current endeavours centres on actively participating in the PIR of the LAIA regulations, a crucial process that evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of these regulations since their inception. The


The REPTA large species guidance policy will be rolled out in three sections each considering a separate group of companion animal reptiles. The nuanced requirements of each group of reptiles will be specifically considered in the accompanying supporting information sections. REPTA is committed to responsible reptile ownership and will identify key themes that should be


The defence of maintaining reptiles as companion animals was always going to require vast amounts of collaboration. Given the sheer weight of pressure applied to government from extremist animal rights lobbying, a multi-pronged counterpoint to this prejudice and hereditary phobia has proven to be essential. Membership support of both The Reptile and Exotic Pet Trade


Since REPTA’s inception in 2004 the organisation has fought the anti reptile keeping lobby and made sure of fair representation at governmental level when policy is being developed that could affect the reptile hobby and wider industry. Much of this work has been undertaken by a single man, Chris Newman. Chris has worked tirelessly for


Dear REPTA Members, I’m reaching out to share some exciting news about a shift in my role within REPTA—a project that has been my passion for the past two decades. After much thought and reflection, I’ve decided to step down as the Chairman of REPTA. These 20 years have been an incredible journey, filled with

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